Sun Valley Residential Rehab

Addiction is a very complicated ailment that involves several different aspects of a person’s life. This is why residential rehabilitation is often the best way to treat it. This allows the patient to temporarily escape the stressors and triggers of their everyday life in order to focus on their own recovery. That is the kind of productive environment that our Sun Valley residential rehab can provide for you. 

For more information about how we can help you, give us a call at (800) 627-7077 or email us at

What is Rehab About?

Although a lot of people have the vague idea that rehabilitation is treatment for addiction, they aren’t always aware of what the actual treatment entails. Let’s talk about some of the therapeutic tools often involved in this process.

Addiction specialist speaking with patient

Sun Valley Residential Rehab

Therapy is a key part of rehabilitation because it’s the best way for the treating staff to understand where the patient is. This is why it’s at the core of what we do here at SV Recovery, our Sun Valley residential rehab. For more information about how we can help you, give us a call at (800) 627-7077 or email us at